The problem with technology is there are too many choices. I have been busy exploring sites and reading other teachers' thoughts on best tools for flipping. I am overwhelmed with information so I have decided I just need to start my plan and adjust as I go. This is what I have so far:
Google Site: I am planning to use my Google site to present each unit of work. I don't have a textbook aligned with the current common core standards so I am building my unit around each standard.I will post this link once I have it much to do and so little time...... will be where all communication with students will happen. I call this the doorway into everything we do. Edmodo is so easy to use and the students (at least in 6th grade) like that they can ask me or other students homework questions. If you don't know about, go check it out. It is a great communication tool for students and teachers. is where I do as much of my assessment as possible. I use this for daily formative assessment and plan to always have a few questions at the end of flipped lessons. This tool is free! It gives you instant data reports and I can create the content. I will start each day knowing who has done the flipped lesson and assess some levels of understanding to organize my collaborative class work.
Take this introduction tour to learn more at their teacher wiki. is a great visual organizer of groups of your favorites. I am building a tab of favorites resources for my students, one for tools to build my flipped lessons, and one that is for academic resources with common core...etc. is a great presentation platform for students and teachers. I am going to use it to present some of my flipped lessons. It is free and teachers share their lessons too. You can create a lesson page with video (yours or someone elses), links, readings, uploads....etc... It makes for a nice flipped lesson page.
Lastly, I have decided to purchase a MacBook Air and Camtasia video software. My laptop is big and old. It has a poor mike and camera and it weights a lot to carry around. I decided this will be worth the investment in the long run as I create all my new lessons.
Let me know if you have any great ideas or your thoughts on my plan.
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