
Monday, September 17, 2012

Starting week 4- looking for regular routine

So far flipping the class is taking a lot of training of my students with organizing and note taking from video. This is the beginning of week four. I am hoping we are into the swing this week. I also have to teach them how to collaborate more in their groups in class. One thing for sure, running a flipped class uses all the 21st century skills, collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creating. I think all the training will be worth it in the long run. It will make the students better learners and thinkers. 

We have achieved:

  •  getting everyone trained and online with different web resources. Some students are still working out issues at home with devices. I don't think everyone understands this is not a one time online experience, we are learning this way all year. Many students inform me they just can't get online for one reason or another. They seem to think I am going to say ok, just skip it. I question and problem solve with them. Once they realize they will have to stay for late bus after school work to get online, they seem to find answers to their device problems. hmmmmm.....
  • Everyone seems to have done well with the introductions to problem solving but many are still mixing up work in one notebook
  • The 2-column notes are starting to shape up. There are a handful in each class that still need lots of instruction and I will continue to follow them closely.

My goals for week 4:

  • to launch the students into independent note-taking from video content. We are using 2-column notes which is what my whole school uses but I have found out that not all students are clear on the structure of this after learning in 5th grade. I have created my own notes for students to compare on the second night. This is good for students who need support and models.
  • encourage group collaboration and discussion by asking good questions 
  • assign regular videos, notes, classwork, assistment input, data discussions and get the cycle into a regular routine.
  • train on data driven learning and discussion from online item reports on homework (classwork input to online feedback at night)
  • teach more problem solving thinking, noticing and wondering (extra period to do this starting this week), straighten out notebook organization
  • video some class discussions for reflection and planning

Week 5 goals:
  • make some more of my own videos for lessons. Students enjoy this effort on my part and I am modeling for end of unit video projects.
  • plan some differentiated lessons as we move deeper into the standards
  • video tape a good lesson discussion of an item report for NCTM Dallas presentation


  1. I wonder if it might help your readers know what "noticing and wondering" is if they accessed some of these Math Forum resources:

    Marie Hogan's article

    Annie Fetter's explanation of how the Math Forum came up with this idea

    Wooden Legs Videos showing me doing Noticing/Wondering in a 5th grade classroom

    1. Thank you much to think about and plan that I forget to share.
